

 So finally my 4 years of BTECH comes to an end officially.On the last exam day ,all my parallel students were busy taking photos,getting autographs,Tshirt scribbling and much more.I just wanted to be more of a viewer enjoying and capturing these moments rather than being  a part myself so i just enjoyed watching all this fun and decided to dedicate an entire day to go to each place i visited in my btech and recollect all the memories to the fullest without any regrets for my life😃.So this is a detailed view of my perception in my complete 4 years. 1.Cse -My core department This is the first and most important part because i spend my 4 years in this building.I still remember my first day where i was still in school child mood...trying to be as calm and cool as possible.The one week full of recreation and induction classes were very much helpful for me to adjust to the main circullum classes.Tug of war and many other games were played.I enjoyed a lot😊.Coming to academics first time ev